To view information on Coronavirus COVID-19 click here.

Complaints and Feedback - Know Your Rights

PCA Families values feedback as a constructive way to reflect on and improve policy and practice.

The team at PCA Families will act fairly and transparently and treat those who provide feedback with dignity, courtesy and respect.  Privacy and confidentiality will be protected

Complaints are expressions of dissatisfaction made by people who come into contact with PCA Families programs.
Feedback includes praise, suggestions for improvement, comments, compliments, complaints, allegations and thanks.
Feedback and complaints can be made to PCA Families by completing the online Feedback and Complaints form here or emailing the CEO at (including a description of the complaint or feedback, details of who it was reported to and your preferred outcomes).
Feedback and complaints will be reviewed by the Operations Manager and the CEO.  Complaints will be responded to within 10 working days, or an approximate date of resolution will be advised. If the resolution is unsatisfactory, a further appeal may be lodged by emailing the CEO: Feedback will be used to inform continuous improvement.

PCA Families Complaints, Feedback and Review policy is provided here .

Applications for Flexible Funding for this financial year will close on Friday 7 June.  Applications for the new financial year, 2024/2025 will open on the 1st of July 2024. 

If you need to speak with a Flexible Funding Advisor please call 03 9020 1833 and choose option 3.

Thank you

To read the Aligning Career Education and Leaving Care Planning Practices guide

The PCA Families Board is governed by a of dedicated group of people who bring a wide range of not-for-profit, public sector and business skills, expertise and knowledge to the leadership of our organisation.

The responsibilities of the Board include setting and reviewing our strategic direction, monitoring organisational performance, the appointment of the CEO and deciding on key policy positions to take on behalf of members. The Board is also responsible for the organisation’s compliance with relevant laws including the Associations  Incorporation Reform Act 2012 (Vic) and the Australian Charities and Not-for-profit Commission Act. Board members themselves comply with the Code of Conduct, Board Charter , Child Safe policy and Conflicts of Interest policy.

The procedure for Board appointments can be found in our Constitution and our Board Composition Policy. PCA Families maintains a Board Skills Matrix, reviewed annually to ensure that the Board continues to have the right mix of skills and experience. Board member positions are voluntary with expenses reimbursed.

For all details on our upcoming AGM on 8 November including agenda, financials, annual report etc, please visit our events page.

You are encouraged to talk to the PCA Families Chair Naomi Colville via email  if you are interested in joining the Board. 

Download our Constitution

The current Board members are:

Permanent care, kinship care, and adoptive families play a critical role in the protection of vulnerable children.

PCA Families exists to provide our families with the support they need to provide nurturing and permanent homes for the children and young people who come into their care through permanent care, kinship care or adoption. We know firsthand that the journey for families is rewarding but not always easy.

Donate now

How your Support Helps:

Donating to PCA Families will enable us to continue developing and rolling out programs that support strong and stable families through parenting and peer support services that directly benefit children, young people and their families. It will also allow us to continue our advocacy work to improve the lived experience of permanent care and adoptive families.

You can make a difference through:

  • Single or monthly gift
  • Leaving a gift in your will
  • A gift in memory or celebration
  • Regular giving (including workplace giving)

You can donate online, via PayPal or Direct Deposit into our bank account. Donations over $2.00 are tax-deductible.

acnc logo

Permanent Care and Adoptive Families (PCA Families) is a  registered charity with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profit Commission, and a Tier 2 incorporated association registered and domiciled in Victoria, Australia and has been endorsed as an Income Tax Exempt Charity and a Public Benevolent Institution by the Australian Taxation Office. This means that your donation is tax deductible.

Donate now

To view information on Coronavirus COVID-19 click here.

PCA Families develop a quarterly newsletter for our members to keep you up to date with news and events related to the permanent care, kinship care and adoption community.

If you have a story, photo or video you are willing to share, we would love to hear from you! Please send your pieces to


  • Newsletter Mar 21, 2024 - Dads retreat; 21-23 June, Meet Dina; Marketing & Sponsorship Officer, School holiday activities
  • Newsletter Feb 23, 2024 - Dads retreat questionnaire, Mindfulness workshops, Insights from Share and Connect
  • Newsletter Feb 1, 2024 - Share & Connect; Feb 15, Fostering Resilience; Feb 10, Understanding Intercountry adoptees
  • Newsletter Jan 17, 2024 - HNY 2024, Join National Carer Strategy Advisory Committee, 10 free tickets for ADHD conference

PCA Families is committed to providing information and support during the COVID-19 pandemic. It’s been a challenging time for many children, young people and their carers.

While we are working differently, PCA Families is continuing to deliver services.

Meetings and events

Member meetings such as peer support groups will be a mix of online and face to face, depending on the specific circumstances at the time.

Flexible funding support

Flexible funding is available to apply for things like:

  • Cognitive assessments, specialist appointments & related therapies
  • Therapy (counselling, psychology, art, play, equine etc.)
  • Health related costs
  • Costs associated with birth family contact
  • School related costs
  • Tutoring if learning gaps arise due to COVID
  • Extra-curricular activities (eg. Online classes during Covid-19 lockdown)

COVID-19 information for families

  • Department of Health and Human Services (For the most up-to-date information and advice)
  • Coronavirus (COVID-19) Health Information Hotline (If you believe you are showing symptoms of COVID-19) Phone: 1800 675 398
  • For COVID-19 information in languages other than English (To have information interpreted) Phone: 131 450
  • Beyond Blue (For information about mental health and the COVID-19 outbreak)

Resources for children and young people

PCA Families recognise the importance of protecting the privacy and the rights of individuals in relation to their personal information.

PCA Families will seek consent from you to contact a third party about your circumstances unless there is an immediate risk of harm identified for a child, young person or another person.

Any client information used for PCA Families reports will be de-identified to protect the identity of children and families.

Our privacy policy tells you how we collect and manage your personal information.

We respect your rights to privacy under the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth)(Act) and we comply with the Act’s requirements in respect of the collection, management and disclosure of your personal information. 

Our privacy policy is here 


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