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Naomi Colville

BA, Dip Gov FICDA 

Chair - Elected second term November 2022

Naomi brings with her a diversity of experiences including corporate recruitment, leadership roles at a disability employment agency and migrant support services, and even a stint as site manager for Cirque Du Soleil. Most recently, Naomi was the Executive Assistant for a statutory authority’s board of management. Now an ‘at-home’ parent of  two children, one with various diagnoses and special needs who came through permanent care... and one ‘rainbow baby’. The days are busy as President of the Specialist School’s Board and Secretary of the other school’s Advisory Committee. With other various community governance roles, Naomi is a passionate advocate for regional and rural families with  additional needs facing the challenges and complexities of poor service provision and support. Naomi hopes to bring a perspective representative of the unique challenges faced by marginalised and at times, isolated families.